pregnancy week 33

Pregnancy Guide: Week 33

While your baby is working hard on growing and maturing, the bones in his skull are still very soft so that he can squeeze through the birth canal. He’s very thirsty and drinks a lot of amniotic fluid every day. He’s gaining weight fast, and he’ll double his weight between now and the time he’s born.

33 weeks pregnant is how many months?

You are seven months and one week pregnant now. You have about seven weeks to go.

Your Baby at 33 Weeks

With so much baby in there, you probably have more baby in your uterus than fluid, giving him more of a kick; literally. He can kick harder now because there’s no fluid to cushion the blow.

Your baby probably opens his eyes while he’s awake and closes them to go to sleep now. Your uterine walls are thinning to prepare for labour, which means your baby can tell the difference between night and day.

Your baby now has a working immune system. He is receiving antibodies from you and will help him fight germs once he’s born.

How big is a baby at 33 weeks?

Your baby is 44.4 centimetres long this week and could grow as much as 2.5 more. He weighs 2162 grams and is still gaining weight rapidly. He may double his weight again before he’s born.

Your Body at 33 Weeks

Leg cramps, late-night bathroom trips, a huge belly, hormone changes, and heartburn make it hard to sleep. You may be dealing with a bit of third-trimester insomnia, and your anxiety about having a baby doesn’t help.

You need rest more than ever, and worrying doesn’t help you get it, so try to relax. Take a warm bath and drink a cup of warm milk. Don’t exercise or eat too close to bedtime because it could affect your sleep. You could even petition your partner for a relaxing massage. Talking about how you’re both feelings may really help keep common fights expectant couples might have to a minimum.

Read a book, listen to soothing music, and remember that if nothing else, this new sleep schedule, however aggravating, is great training for the first few nights (or months) with your baby.

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil that can have a huge impact on early development. It helps with vision and brain development, which happens mostly in the third trimester. Eat two meals per week of well-cooked salmon, tilapia, red snapper, shrimp, catfish, or pollack.

Testing for foetal movement two times each day means resting and counting kicks. Everything you feel counts, so make sure you feel ten in an hour. If you don’t, eat a snack and try again. Your baby may just need energy.

pregnancy week 33


Varicose veins may feel ugly to you but they probably aren’t and are unlikely to be harmful. They’ll go away after you have the baby usually. In the meantime, if you’re uncomfortable because of varicose veins in your rectum, also known as hemorrhoids, try ice packs or witch hazel pads.

Changing positions suddenly can have you suffering from round ligament pain. It’s uncomfortable, but as long as you move slowly and rest when you need to, you can avoid it for the most part. Just make sure it’s not accompanied by fever or chills, there’s nothing to worry about.

Your nails and hair are growing faster thanks to pregnancy hormones, but if your nails seem brittle, add some biotin to your diet via nuts, whole grains, avocados, and bananas.

As your belly pushes on your diaphragm and your lungs, it’s getting harder to breathe. Fortunately, your baby is as comfortable as can be. Stand up and stretch out to make more room and try to take some deep breaths.

A shifting centre of gravity and lightheadedness can make you a bit clumsy. Slow down, wear stable, comfortable shoes, and make sure you pay attention. Be careful in the shower, on stairs, and anywhere else you may fall.

Your brain is perhaps feeling a little clumsy, too, and you can’t seem to remember a thing. Decreasing brain cells are to blame, but women who are having girls tend to be even more forgetful. Bring a notepad with you everywhere and write everything down. If you haven’t already arranged it, get a friend to help arrange the baby shower. You can source some baby shower decoration ideas here.

You may have started feeling some preterm labour, called Braxton Hicks contractions. Your body is preparing, but you can tell these aren’t the real thing because they go away when you change positions or take a few sips of water.

Tips/Things to do

Book a breastfeeding class now that you’ve already taken a childbirth class. You can watch a video and learn as much as possible beforehand, but don’t worry, the nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital will be there to lend a hand.

Prepare for your first nights in the hospital after the baby is born. Find out their policy on room sharing, because having your baby with you all the time is good for you and your baby. It can also help create a bond.

Lighten up when lifting weights to avoid pressure build-up in your body. Lifting heavy weights can also cause you to hold your breath, which isn’t good for blood flow or the baby. Loose ligaments are more prone to injury these days. Instead, do more reps of the lighter weights.

Spend some time writing a letter to your baby. You can record your feelings, funny things he’s doing, or what you hope to do with him after he gets here. It’s a great way to show your little one what he means to you.

It may also be fun for him to read later about your cravings, how you came up with his name, or how you found out you were pregnant. You can also share things like how you felt when you found out you were having him or what you hope for his future.

Put your feet up every chance you get. You can still go for walks if you feel up to it and do a bit of nesting, but it’s important to rest, especially if you have a lot of swelling in your feet. Prop your feet up or try swimming as an exercise routine to reduce pressure.

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