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Pregnancy Guide: Week 32

Your baby’s organs are all fully formed now, except for the lungs which will continue to develop until she’s born. However, if she were to be born this week, her chances of survival are great. 

She inhales amniotic fluid for practice. Her skin is no longer transparent this week.

32 weeks pregnant is how many months?

You are now seven months pregnant and headed into month eight.

Your Baby at 32 Weeks

Your baby is practising breathing, swallowing, sucking, and kicking so that when she makes her debut, she’ll be ready for anything. Her digestive system is ready, but it will still be too sensitive to tolerate anything except breastmilk or formula for a while.

She looks more like a newborn now with smooth skin and chubby cheeks. Her skin is opaque rather than transparent like it used to be.

She is now cramped and comfy. Instead of twisting, turning, and crazy kicking, you may only be feeling gentle taps because she doesn’t have enough room for her acrobatic stunts anymore. Sometime between now and 38 weeks, she’ll turn to face downward in preparation for birth.

Your risk of delivering breech (or butt down) is less than five per cent, so if your baby hasn’t turned down yet, she will in the coming weeks. Your baby still has plenty of time and room to head that way.

You should be resting to prepare for the big day while still exercising well to stay healthy. For tips on good ab exercises while pregnant click here. Your baby has her own sleep cycles that you may have noticed by now. You may be experiencing a decrease in her movement, which is normal. 

Sometimes people like to count the kicks e.g. ten kicks in an hour in the morning and the evening.

How big is a baby at 32 weeks?

Your baby is now the size of a squash. She’s 43.2 centimetres long and weighs 1953 grams.

Your Body at 32 Weeks

Your body is starting to prepare for delivery, which means you may be practising just like your baby! For you, that means Braxton Hicks contractions. 

These contractions are irregular and don’t mean you’re in labour. They may be uncomfortable, or you may not notice them at all.

As you get closer to birth, they will get closer together and more regular. Right now they may start at the top of your uterus and move downward, lasting for about 15 to 30 seconds. They could last up to two minutes for some.

You can tell they’re not real labour if they stop when you change positions. If you’ve been lying down, get up and walk. If you’ve been on your feet, sit and rest. They should slow or stop if they’re Braxton Hicks. 

A warm bath or a walk through a park may help with any discomfort.

Ultrasounds are great tools to take a glimpse at your baby before she’s born. When used correctly, they detect problems that can be solved when caught early and they can reveal your baby’s gender or give you some sweet pictures.

However, be careful with elective sonograms that aren’t done by professionals. They can miss important data that a professional would find or you can walk away thinking there’s something wrong when there isn’t.

3D and 4D sonograms use stronger technology than the traditional machines at your doctor’s office, so always check with your practitioner before doing anything elective to make sure she thinks it’s safe.

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Your uterus is still putting plenty of pressure on just about everything these days, making it hard to breathe, poop, sleep, and exercise. Keep up the good work because drinking plenty of water and staying healthy is a great way to alleviate the symptoms.

Leg cramps make it hard to sleep and can cause painful calf spasms at night. Ask if extra magnesium and calcium will help, but be sure to keep drinking water to keep your muscles moisturised and loose.

If you’re faint or dizzy, it could be a result of low blood sugar. Be sure to keep snacks with you at all times and eat often. If you do feel dizzy, take a break and lie down with a snack until it passes. Don’t try to do too much at once or you may faint and hurt yourself or the baby.

Varicose veins are plaguing you, and they may even be in your rectum. Also known as hemorrhoids, these uncomfortable little buggers aren’t going away. Try ice packs, witch hazel pads, or a warm bath. 

If you spend too much time sitting down, you may need to remedy that to prevent more of them popping up.

Leaky breasts just come with the territory now because your breasts are practising, too. They’re making colostrum, which is what your baby will eat during her first few days in your arms. Wear nursing pads to reduce discomfort and embarrassment.

Your big belly is getting itchy. Your skin is stretching and drying out, so try a lotion. If lotion doesn’t help, try some anti-itch cream like hydrocortisone or calamine lotion. You can also take an oatmeal bath.

Tips/Things to do

Your dreams may be enhanced during pregnancy. Things can get pretty crazy and vivid, so keep a dream journal. It will be fun to look back later at all the nutty things your mind was doing while it was hopped up on pregnancy hormones. 

You may even have visions (however inaccurate) about your baby will be like.

Don’t panic about your stretch marks. The majority of women get them, so you’re not alone. They’re a natural part of being pregnant, and there’s nothing you can do about them, so you may as well get used to it now. Besides, after the baby comes, your stretch marks will fade in colour and be less noticeable.

Start learning the early signs of labour so you’ll know for sure when it’s time. Cramps that feel like your period, water breaking, diarrhea, a tightening in your uterus, and vaginal bleeding can all be an indicator that you’re in early labour.

Your insides are crowded, so if your appetite is decreasing, that’s no surprise. There’s no room in there for the food anyway! Just eat small snacks regularly to stay healthy and avoid big meals if they sound unappealing.

Drink plenty of water because you’re eating for two, drinking for two, and, well, going to the bathroom for two. You have a lot of trash you need to get out of your system, and drinking water helps to dissolve that waste and eliminate it more efficiently.

Excess water also keeps your urine diluted so that you won’t experience as many UTIs. It makes your stools soft, so they’re easier to pass when dealing with a lot of constipation. It makes you more regular all around if you drink enough water.

Dry, itchy skin is here to stay so moisturise when you can. Don’t use moisturisers with extra fragrances or dyes. They will irritate you more.

Apply lotion often and do it while you’re still damp after a shower to lock in moisture.

Wear clothing that allows your skin to breathe and change your detergent or perfume and dye-free option. This is especially important for your baby’s sensitive skin. You can also take an oatmeal bath to help with dry skin.

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