If you were to sit in a bath for 9 months, you’d be wrinkled, too. By now, your baby has a greasy white coating on her skin called vernix caseosa, which protects her skin from getting wrinkled. Her lungs are developing, and the main bronchioles are forming this week. She’s constantly moving, and you may be able to feel it now.
19 weeks pregnant is how many months?
At 19 weeks, you’re in your fifth month, with only 4 months to go. You are dangerously close to the halfway mark and beyond, but keep in mind that the first half goes faster because you don’t even know you’re pregnant for the first few weeks. You may be starting to reconsider some of your usual routines, such as getting a Brazilian wax during pregnancy or when to stop working out, but you can usually carry on if these are still comfortable for you.
Your Baby at 19 Weeks
During week 19, your baby’s vernix caseosa is covering all her skin. It’s greasy and white, made up of the downy hair she’s been growing for weeks and looks a bit like creamy cheese. She’ll enter the world with this coating protecting her, and the longer you leave it on, the healthier her skin will be. She will continue to soak up nutrients until you wash it away, but she’ll be perfectly healthy if she sheds it herself before she comes out or you decide to wash her immediately.
How big is a baby at 19 weeks?
Your baby is now 23.7 centimetres long and weighs 273 grams. She’s about the size of a mango. Speaking of mango, it’s a great source of fibre and vitamins for you and the baby right now.
Your Body at 19 Weeks
At the end of a long, exhausting day on your feet, you may lay down and crash right away, only to wake up in the middle of the night for a trip to the bathroom with excruciating cramps in your legs. While this is a normal pregnancy symptom, it certainly is painful.
There are plenty of theories as to why this happens. If your leg muscles are tired from carrying extra weight, they could be unable to relax at night. The extra blood flow to your legs thanks to pregnancy hormones, and gravity could cause them to be extra sensitive. Dehydration is another culprit. No matter the cause, make sure you drink plenty of water, rest when you can, and stretch before bed to loosen the muscles.
Between weeks 18 and 22, you’ll start to feel baby’s kicks, so pay attention this week. What you thought were gas bubbles this morning may not have been. Some of when you’ll feel these kicks has to do with your size. Smaller women tend to feel them sooner, but if you haven’t felt them yet, you will soon.
Your baby’s position in your uterus can also affect whether you feel her movements or not, so be patient, but get excited. You’ll feel them soon enough and come to recognize them for what they are.
If you look back to your week 18 symptoms and read through them again, you may feel like you’re reading about week 19, too. Your symptoms haven’t changed much, but they may have amplified a little. The bigger your baby gets, the more your appetite will grow to help nourish and feed her.
If you can’t seem to stay away from the pantry, fill it with nutritious snacks so you won’t be tempted with junk. It’s okay to eat a lot if you’re eating things that fill you up and keep you healthy.
If you’re constantly indulging, at least make sure you’re regularly indulging in the things your body needs and seldom binging on things with little benefit. It is fine to give in to a craving every now and then.
Most women will get stretch marks during pregnancy. You can’t prevent them, and they are hereditary. There’s no cure, but you can do things to minimize their appearance, like keeping an eye on your weight gain to ensure you’re gaining steadily instead of in spurts.
Use a moisturiser to alleviate dry skin or itching. It’s also a great excuse to ask your partner for a massage. It’ll ease the stretching and make you feel more relaxed.
Constipation is still your constant companion due to the increased iron you’re ingesting and the relaxing of your intestines. Staying regular is a battle for pregnant women, so you may need to ask your doctor if there’s anything else you can do to help ease the struggle.
As your uterus continues to grow, putting pressure on your nerves, it can reduce blood flow back to your brain, making you feel dizzy. Combined with a loss of balance and pregnancy hormones, your lightheadedness could get dangerous. Sit down if you feel faint. Rest, then stand up slowly. It’s also a good idea to eat or drink something afterwards.
The never-ending back pain is still around this week, with plenty of extra pressure on your spine and back muscles. You’re lifting a load heavier than they’re used to, so don’t expect this symptom to go away between now and delivery. Don’t make it worse by lifting anything heavy.
Avoid long periods of time on your feet, stretch, take warm baths, and try some yoga.
Your nasal passages are swelling like your uterus, making it hard to breathe. You may be blowing your nose a lot or snoring while you sleep now. Gently blow your nose to avoid nosebleeds, sleep with a warm humidifier, and prop up your head.
It’s almost certain that you’ll get a yeast infection at least once during your pregnancy. With everything going on down there, these infections can be hard to control, so your doctor is the best person to talk to about how to treat them.
Tips/Things to do
Research childbirth classes. The best time to take a class will be in your third trimester but do your research now, so you find one you like and get on the waiting list.
These classes can help prepare you for what to expect after you go into labour. They can ease the anxiety you may be feeling about the entire process. Your partner should take the class with you.
While you’re at it, research childcare options. Daycare spots fill up fast, so think about whether you want to send them to an in-home centre, a church nursery, or a corporate facility. Interview a few, find one you like, and get your name on the list.
About The Author
Kids, chai latte’s, blueberry muffins, and reading way too many books… That pretty much sums up Louise. She’s also passionate about giving back to the community, in this case through this site, finding and answering questions about parenting.