Your baby has eyes now, but his eyelids are still shut to protect them while they’re still developing. His vocal cords are developing so that soon you’ll hear his adorable little laugh. His head is more proportionate to his body now and makes up about half of his total size.
13 weeks pregnant is how many months?
Depending on how you measure a month, you may like to think of yourself as wrapping up your third month of pregnancy or consider yourself in the fourth month already. Either way, you are in the last week of your first trimester, and next week you’ll move on to the second. You may already consider future gift ideas for grandparents or start to tell friends about your pregnancy at this stage if you haven’t already.
Your Baby at 13 Weeks
Your baby’s head takes up half of his total size and he looks less like a human and more like E.T. right now. Eventually, everything will even out, so by birth you’ll have an earthling, instead of a Martian.
Starting now, your baby will grow at a different rate to others, so stop comparing your baby’s growth to what happened during your friend’s pregnancy. Unless your doctor has indicated there may be a problem, your baby is just fine.
Your baby’s arm and leg bones are growing, and he’s able to flex his muscles to get his thumb in his mouth. Instead of taking up room in the umbilical cord, his intestines will move to his abdomen now. The placenta is also growing rapidly and will eventually be contributing to your weight gain.
How big is a baby at 13 weeks?
Your baby is now the size of a lemon. He is 6.5 centimetres long and weighs 73 grams.
Your Body at 13 Weeks
You should start to feel better this week or next. The second trimester is usually the easiest to get through. You’re more comfortable overall, despite your growing belly. You have more energy and won’t struggle with as much nausea unless you’re one of the unlucky few who have it throughout your pregnancy.
Your vaginal discharge may be in full force now. This leukorrhea is thin and milky with a mild smell, and while it may be annoying, uncomfortable, or embarrassing, it’s completely normal and has a purpose. It helps your vagina maintain a healthy balance of bacteria and prevents infection in the birth canal. Wear panty liners if you find that the discharge has you changing your knickers several times a day.
No matter how you feel about sex, it’s normal. So, whether you want to jump in the sack or sleep far, far away every night, communicate those needs and desires with your partner to avoid conflict. It’s hard on both of you right now as you go through one of life’s biggest changes, so be patient.
You may feel larger than you really are and start to suspect at this point that you’re having twins. It’s possible, especially if you are over the age of 35, have a history of twins in your family, or both. However, there are plenty of other explanations, too – an incorrect due date or gas, for example.

One symptom that may be new since you found out you are pregnant is your energy level. Use your increasing energy for good. You can head back to the gym, but don’t do too much too fast. Use this trimester to send baby shower invitations and get some nesting done.
You’ll be tired again in just a few short months, so now is a good time to channel that energy and make it useful. You may still have lingering exhaustion, heartburn, gas, fatigue, constipation, cravings, and aversions. It’s likely that they’ll never go away completely during the pregnancy, but they should get better.
Visible veins and dizziness, however, may be here to stay. Your veins need to carry increased blood flow to the rest of your body throughout your entire pregnancy, so this is a good thing.
Along with your increased blood flow comes the potential for low blood sugar, which can cause dizziness. Coupled with a growing belly that could have you slightly off-balance, you’re looking at a recipe for disaster if you’re not careful. If you feel faint, eat something and lie down for a bit. Don’t get overzealous about the strenuous activities you used to be able to do before. Take it slow and make sure you can still do them. Better yet, get used to asking for help!
Tips/Things to do
Be glad that your sex drive is experiencing a boost right now. If you’re not quite there yet, get ready. Many women enjoy the increased energy they have in the second trimester, and with that pregnancy glow in full effect, you’ll feel sexier, too.
Enjoy your time together now before there’s a baby in the way. Sex can improve your mood and your sleep. Closer to the time for labour and delivery, it may also help induce a stubborn uterus.
Continue with your prenatal vitamins. Pair them with healthy eating to give your baby everything he needs for developing strong body parts.
Folic acid can be found in whole grains, beans, milk, broccoli, and bananas, for example. It aids the development of your baby’s spinal cord and nervous system.
It’s also a good idea to get plenty of calcium now to help build strong bones in your baby and maintain your own. It gives you the bone density you need to stay strong for your baby, and it can lower your risk of preeclampsia.
Eat plenty of food rich in iron. You are producing a lot of blood right now, and consuming iron will facilitate the increased blood supply. Duck, beef, spinach, soy, dried fruits, and potatoes are all good choices, as well as an iron supplement.
Eat the skins of your fruit. They contain plenty of fibre to keep you regular, which can provide a huge benefit during pregnancy. The skin of one apple has 4.4 grams of fibre, while a cup of applesauce has less than 1 gram, and apple juice only has 0.5 grams.
About The Author

Kids, chai latte’s, blueberry muffins, and reading way too many books… That pretty much sums up Louise. She’s also passionate about giving back to the community, in this case through this site, finding and answering questions about parenting.