10 Gift Ideas For New Grandparents

gift ideas grandparents laps

When you experience the joy of becoming a new parent, you’ll soon learn your life is forever changed. 

gift ideas grandparents siblings

It isn’t just your life that’s changed: your parents and in-laws have now become grandparents, too! 

You might be ready to rest with the new baby, but chances are grandma and grandpa are ready to shout out their news from the rooftops. They should be able to excitedly brag about their grandchild—it’s a momentous occasion, after all. They’ll no doubt enjoy spending some wonderful time together with you and the new baby. Whether that’s a visit to a home or a walk through a playground that may be very useful in the future. Check out some recommendations of playgrounds in Australia’s cities – Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne for a few.

Help them get started with their new status in life by ensuring that your child’s grandparents have some things to help them celebrate and announce it to the world.

Below we have listed 10 memorable gift ideas for new grandparents.

1) Brag Book

Make sure the new grandparents have a special place to put all the pictures they’re sure to accumulate of their grandchildren.

You can buy them a beautiful book where they can put photos and other memorabilia. Look for one that offers plenty of space to write in as well, so they can add tidbits, memories, and information they’d like to remember.

You can even do this with a pre-made book from a photo service website. This is also a great Christmas gift idea for the grandparents.

2) Necklace

You can have a customized necklace made for your mother or mother-in-law. 

Choose to have the name your child will call her whether that’s Grandma, Oma, Gigi or Nana, engraved on the necklace. You could also place your child’s birthstone on it. 

Be sure to leave room on the necklace for the other grandchildren who are sure to follow as well, though!

3) T-Shirts

Who doesn’t love a comfortable t-shirt? 

Choose one for the grandfather emblazoned with his grandpa name on it. When he’s out and about, his shirt will announce to the world that he is a Papa, Opa, or Grandpa.

4) Digital Photo Frame

While stationary photos are great and social media is sure to be plastered with photos of the new baby from day one, most grandparents love having a physical display of pictures of the grandchild as well. 

They grow so fast and a digital photo frame takes no effort to update so it is a fantastic idea!

5) Grandparent Books

Babies love being read stories and research shows that reading to them early on is excellent for their brain development. You can find specialized little books just for grandparents to read to their grandchildren. 

This is a sweet gift. It will give the baby and the grandparents a special bonding time while serving an educational and developmental purpose.

6) Mugs and Cups 

Find a coffee mug or portable cup that will let your parents tell the world they’re proud grandparents. 

You can find these pre-made in many stores or you can have them custom made for your specific parent.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can always make one yourself to make it extra special!

7) Letters

Grandparents are great for sharing wisdom, but sometimes it is hard to know where to start.

Find a book with prompts in it for the grandparents to write letters filled with knowledge and wisdom for the little one. The wise ones can give love and advice to help your baby navigate through life.

8) Figurines

If the grandparents enjoy collecting figurines, there’s a vast array to choose from out there.

Look for one of grandmothers or grandfathers with a grandchild. This cherished gift will bring your parents sweet thoughts of the grandchild every time they look at it.

9) Keepsake Ornament

When Christmas comes around, everyone wants to mark the festive occasion. Be sure the grandparents receive a special gift commemorating their first Christmas with their beloved grandchild!

10) Personalized Keepsake

Babies grow so fast and it’s sometimes hard to remember just how small they were. 

You can make sure the grandparents never forget by giving them a keepsake gift

You could use the baby’s hands and feet stamped onto paper or pressed into soft clay. Either option is sure to bring a smile to the faces of the grandparents while reminding them continuously of how much their beloved grandbaby has grown.



Kids, chai latte's, blueberry muffins, and reading way too many books... That pretty much sums up Louise. She's also passionate about giving back to the community, in this case through this site, finding and answering questions about parenting.
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